Southport Flower show 2014 – awarded a LARGE GOLD medal

The theme was ‘Brazil’

On the Brazilian flag appear the words ORDEM E PROGRESSO, meaning Order and Progress. What has this to do with cottage gardening ?

Today there is a revival in traditional cottage gardening as is evidenced by our flourishing Cottage Garden Society. Many people, inspired by gardens they have seen on TV, at flower shows, in gardening magazines or when garden visiting around the country, want to create a cottage garden for themselves. What goes into a cottage garden ? Where do you begin to capture the romance that is the essence of an authentic cottage garden ?

You do not need to live in an ‘olde worlde’ cottage in order to create a cottage garden. It is more an attitude of mind. Blend together ornamental and useful plants, including old-fashioned flowers, climbing roses and sweet peas, vegetables, sweet-scented herbs and a fruit tree or fruit bushes. Set the plants off with old brick paths, arches, bowers or arbours and trellis. Scour junk shops and reclamation yards for old artefacts such as terracotta forcing pots and milk churns. Use old sinks, Victorian chimney pots and dolly tubs as plant containers. Incorporate a blend of formal and informal designs, as we have tried to do here.

So,  Ordem E Progresso

Order your plants and artefacts and progress  to create the cottage garden of your dreams and enjoy yourself !