
Unless otherwise stated all events are at Haskayne Village Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Haskayne Village Hall’s address is:

109 School Lane, Haskayne, nr Ormskirk, Lancs L39 7JE (off A5147)

The hall’s location can be viewed here


Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table.

‘Bulb planting Looking to the Spring’ by Marguerite Hughes

Marguerite is a well-known local horticultural tutor, garden designer and speaker.  This evening she will be giving us a practical guide for planting spring bulbs and creating a bulb lasagne which will be first prize in the raffle.

Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table

‘Exotic Planting’ by Kathryn Robey

Kathryn was appointed in 2017 as the Curator at the Dorothy Clive Garden, Market Drayton Shropshire. The talk will give us an insight into how we can easily bring a touch of the exotic into our beds and borders.

Kathryn will be bringing plants for sale.

Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table

‘The Cultivation & Propagation of Agapanthus and associated plants, Nerines and associated plants by Colin Hickman

Colin grew up in his successful family plant nursery involving his parents and sister. The Hoyland Plant nursery grows and exhibits unusual South African plants and bulbs. So, we look forward to enjoying Colin’s practical demonstration and his plants which are for sale

Christmas Social, Buffet – NOTE THE EARLY START at 7.15pm

Speaker TBC



Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table 

‘My Life in Plants’ by Jacqueline Iddon 

Jackie is a well-known nursery and garden owner who has entertained us on many occasions with her tales of her life as a plantswoman. 

Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table 

‘The Life & Times of a Gardening Editor’ by Geoff Hodge 

Geoff is a garden writer, broadcaster and editor, working for various national gardening magazines and websites – as well as lots more besides! Previously, he was the Online Editor for the Royal Horticultural Society, Gardening Editor and Editor of Garden News magazine and Technical Editor of Garden Answers magazine. 

Members free, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table 

‘Better Borders’ by Maureen Sawyer 

Maureen’s presentation gets to grips with the issues when planning or improving a border, its key features and the use of form, texture, colour and tone in creating interesting and exciting planting arrangements. 

Members £1.50, non-members: £3.00, including refreshments. Raffle and plant sales table 

‘Pin me to the wall- and do what you want with me’ by Andrew Mikolajski. 

How to choose and manage climbers and shrubs – Andrew, the author of 40 books has had a busy career as a gardening author, lecturer and speaker. He was a horticultural adviser on the new edition of the RHS A–Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants and more recently on a revision of the RHS Encylopedia of Plants and Flowers

 Previously, he taught garden design and RHS certificate at Warwickshire College, and garden history at the English Gardening School.